Thursday, March 10, 2016

Travel Photography - Mahabaleshwar

My last post on Sinhagadh was written back in Oct 2015. Wow, I can't believe it's been so long since I have posted anything new on this blog.  But that for sure doesn't mean that I have stopped photography. I have been travelling and busy with work and unfortunately not able to upload pictures here. 

So today I am going to share pictures and some stories about my trip to Mahabaleshwar. Most of the people living in Mumbai, Pune know of this place. It's a super popular destination in Maharashtra. Mahabaleshwar is a hill station with some really beautiful views, specially if you visit the place in the right season. 

As with all destination in Maharashtra, best time to visit is Monsoons or just after monsoons. I went there in late October of 2015 which is a decent time to visit the place. 

There are many points to visit in Mahabaleshwar. Most of them are scenic but there are 2-3 points that will make you go Wow. I highly recommend visiting these points if you are visiting Mahabaleshwar

  1. Savitri Point
  2. Arthur Seat Point
  3. Kate's Point

Okay- so without writing too many things, let me take you to the pictures now. 

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