Friday, November 7, 2014

Fall photography at Rocky River Reservation

I have been staying in Cleveland for about 4 years now and contrary to popular belief, this city does offer some excellent photo opportunities...especially during Fall. And just like every year, I decided to go out and do some fall photography...only this time, I was not alone. I was accompanied by my friends (and also fellow photographers) Karunesh Karn and Parag Makhija. 

After a good research we decided to go to Rocky River Reservation and return to Strongsville via the metro parks. We knew that, it would give us ample amount of photo opportunities. We picked a rather unusual time for photography (about 4pm) but we still managed to get some good shots. 

Here are the pictures that I got.... 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

5 Things You Do (As a Photographer) That Annoys Your Better Half

Photography is a great hobby, an expensive one, but a great one none the less. And if you have any hobby (not just photography), you would know that it doesn't take a lot for your hobby to become your passion and then eventually an addiction. 

Photography for me is an addiction, and for that matter anyone who has read about it or learned it. And honestly, why wouldn't it be? It not only lets you pictorially depict the way you see the world, but it also 'in a way' makes you feel good. How???Well it's easy..You carry a big professional camera, you change lenses on it, you have multiple filters and tripod etc etc..and you think "Ya, it makes me look cool"... You spend a good deal of time reading photography books, articles, watching multiple videos on YouTube. And last but not the least you genuinely like the subject.It's almost as if you forget about everything else around you and indulge into learning photography. 

Did you notice I wrote "forget about everything else around you !!" ... now that's a BAD IDEA ! You live with your spouse (or better half) and forgetting about them is never a good idea. If your spouse is not a photographer, you may have done things in the past that annoyed them. 

Here's a list of 5 things that you may have done, that have annoyed them. Just for the record, I have done all of them (and more).

1. You focus a lot on camera settings
This is perhaps the number 1 reason why your spouse might be annoyed at you. For majority of his/her life, he/she is used to someone pointing camera at her, clicking the picture and moving on. But after you, things change. You take the first shot with your favorite setting, and almost invariably, you don't like the shot. So you fiddle with the settings, you take another shot and its probably not something you like either. You take some more test shots, but by that time, your spouse is already annoyed.  

2. You're not in the picture 
Imagine, you went on a family trip - you spent a good time researching about the place, you got the best deal that was possible, all the arrangement was just perfect. Everything is great. You go out there, you have a great time. You take a lot of pictures. You come back from the trip, you sit with your spouse, you look at those 100s of pictures (hopefully not 1000s) and all you see is your spouse and kids(if any). There is no sign of YOU.  That my friends, annoys them a lot.

3. You are the photographer of 'any' event you go
Whether you are married or not, you have to socialize and go to multiple events. "Normally", socializing involves interacting with people, talking about stuffs that you like about (and most of the times about the stuffs that you don't really care about). But if you have a professional DSLR, things change. Your host wants you to bring your camera and take pictures of the event. And you do agree, because after all, you like photography. But be careful, you might annoy your spouse, if you are over doing this.

4. You are picky about direction of light
You've read about photography, you really have. And that means, you know the importance of LIGHT and the direction of it. You cannot stand the fact that there are hard shadows on the face when you are capturing the shot. You do not prefer taking pictures when the sun is on top of your head. When you're on a trip however, you cannot control everything. But you simply cannot help yourself. You try and change their position in some way so that the photo looks good (at least to your satisfaction). As I said before, they are not used this. All they want is for you to point the camera at them, click that button and get a picture. They want you to position them in front of the monument, waterfall or whatever there is and take a picture. And when you are not able to do that, you annoy them !!!

5. Quality, Composition and Post Processing... what is that???
Whether you are a pro-photographer, or a learner you understand the importance of composition, quality (focus, noise, negative space etc etc) and you really care about it.  You spend a great deal of time post-processing your photos so that they look 'great'.  But- your spouse don't care about those things.. well at least, not directly. They do want great pictures, they just cannot stand the whole big process of getting there,especially when they have to go through it every time.  Many times, you might find yourself putting your spouse and kids in "Rule of 3rd" arrangement or Leading lines arrangement OR many times you capture great expressions of your kid, but because the photo was out of focus, you discard the picture. Your spouse probably doesn't care. 

Ok so with that, I will end the post here. Hope you had some laughs reading through these 5 'things'.  I am no exception to these 5 things (and other things too) But for the record - I know for the fact that my wife likes what I do and supports me (& my little addition in photography) as much as she can, until of course I over-do one of those 5 things. ;-) She has been very patient with me. 

If your spouse has been patient with your photography addiction, it is time that you thank him/her for that. How about you thank them today ?

Cheers !!!